
Who we are?

Greetings from the!

The is a web platform that connects buyers and sellers. Sellers proceed to create advertisements. Buyers, on the other hand, browse through those advertisements before purchasing or searching for a product or a service for its availability. To make this happen the offers space for its clients to showcase their vehicles and vehicle-related goods and services to potential clients for the purpose and intention to sell, exchange, and share information related to the same.

We take every effort to offer our services professionally by benchmarking the highest available industry standards. We believe and assure that our clients will have a productive online experience in their efforts in search and in the use of the services that we offer. The seller and buyer mutually agree on terms and do business outside of the platform.

Further, we are pleased and welcome your constructive suggestions to improve this web platform to realise your expectations.

Thank you very much for using our service.

Team Axle


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